Business First January 2017 2017 volume 13 | Page 67

McElmeel Mobility Services leads the way in achieving Qualified Vehicle Modifier accreditation from Ford

McElmeel Mobility Services Scoops Chamber of Commerce Award

From left ; James Devlin ( McElmeel Design Engineer ), David Petts ( Transit Product Manager ), Simon Robinson ( Chief Program Engineer ), Conor McElmeel ( McElmeel Managing Director ), Danny Scheutz ( QVM Team Leader ), Jan Stulzenberg ( Supervisor Transit SVE ), Martin McElmeel ( McElmeel Workshop and Project Manager )
cElmeel Mobility Services has been announced as the first Wheelchair

MAccessible Vehicle ( WAV ) Converter in Europe to be accredited as a FordQVM Qualified Vehicle Modifier ( QVM ).

As a third­generation family business , McElmeel Mobility Services has developed from very humble beginnings to be one of the UK and Ireland ’ s leading supplier of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles .
In July McElmeel Mobility Services were honoured when approached by Ford , and invited to apply to their QVM Programme . This involved ; leading Ford engineers from
Germany visiting the McElmeel Mobility site in Armagh ; to verify that the production methods , systems and processes followed by the engineers met the Ford manufacturing standard .
A collaborative effort between Ford and McElmeel Mobility Services seen this accreditation being awarded at the end of October at Ford HQ in Dunton .
Customers can acquire a Wheelchair Accessible Ford Vehicle from McElmeel Mobility Services with the same confidence and assurance that would accompany the purchase of any standard Ford vehicle .
016 has proved to be a year of achievements for McElmeel Mobility

2Services ; prior to being awarded the QVM accreditation they were crowned “ Regional Winners for Excellence in Customer Service ” through the Chamber Business Awards which represents more than 1,200 business across Northern Ireland , a great recognition for the team .

A new production facility at their site in Armagh has given McElmeel Mobility Services the opportunity to add an additional ten staff to the work force , bringing the employment number to 35 , and with great plans for 2017 this number is sure to rise .

McElmeel Mobility Services : It ’ s a family thing

cElmeel Mobility Services continues today as they began in 1950 ; to be pioneers in an

Mindustry that creates products that can , and do , enhance the quality of people ’ s lives . Conor McElmeel , Managing Director of McElmeel Mobility Services said “ We are extremely proud of this accreditation , of our heritage and of the company we are today . We appreciate , care about and value our Customers and it is so rewarding to see the difference our products make to the life of an individual or a family . The entire McElmeel team is united in ensuring that our future continues with the same ethos , ethics and integrity that were laid as our foundation stones many years ago , staying true to our values has allowed us to grow into our seventh decade and as we endeavour to continually improve we hope to be at your service for many generations to come ”

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