TECH [ 2020 ]
CYBERCRIME : A risk you can ’ t ignore
eports by the Annual Fraud Indicator highlight that cybercrime is costing businesses around £ 193billion per annum . In Northern Ireland alone , an astonishing 9 out of 10 businesses have suffered a cyber breach this year .
Cybercrime is a real threat to organisations , resulting in business downtime , data loss , dented pockets and a diminished reputation . Surprisingly , many businesses still do not have preventative measures in place to deal with this . With the frequency and severity of cyber incidents on the rise , it ’ s a risk you simply can ’ t afford to take . It ’ s essential to be vigilant , form a strategic plan of action and ensure your business is protected .
SME ’ s bearing the Brunt of Cyber Crime
According to The PSNI , in Northern Ireland alone , it is estimated that over £ 13m was lost to online fraud in 2015 . With lower security defences , outdated software and lack of awareness , small businesses are bearing the brunt of cybercrime .
Patrick Leggett , Director at Xperience IT Solutions comments “ Cyber criminals are employing increasingly sophisticated means of stealing data , so there is no option but for SME ’ s to do more to protect themselves . We urge all organisations to understand the risks , educate staff , introduce policies and develop a strategic action plan to address any security concerns ”.
Take Steps to CyberResilience
Cyber security preparedness starts with having a complete understanding of the internal and external vulnerabilities that can affect your business . As a business , you must insure that positive steps are taken to manage cyber threats , minimise risk and become cyber resilient .
To tackle this issue head on , Xperience IT Solutions recommend using the following steps as a guide :
1 . Review your internal skills and knowledge , determine if external help is needed . 2 . Once a skillset has been sourced , ( whether internal or external ) create a strategic action plan which includes measures to prevent , detect and respond to potential security threats . 3 . It ’ s all about education , so ensure that all staff are aware of any preventative security plans and trained where necessary . It is a good idea to include such information within your HR policies and procedures . 4 . Take extra precautions when handling emails with attachments , before opening ensure it is from a trusted source . 5 . Ensure that important business data is being backedup . In the event that backups aren ’ t in place or functioning correctly , seek advice from a trusted IT provider . 6 . Create a knowledge sharing hub , so that when new strains of ransomware come into circulation all members of the organisation know what to look out for .
The harsh reality is ; the longer the recovery time , the higher the cost is to your business . Ultimately , it is the prevention methods in place that will determine the impact of the attack , and reduce the risk of mass data loss . At this stage , the question is not “ if ” a cyberattack will take place , it ’ s “ when ”.
About Xperience IT Solutions
Xperience IT Solutions , an Xperience Group business , is a leading IT Solutions provider in Northern Ireland . Xperience IT Solutions has worked with hundreds of SME ’ s across the province to devise security strategies and recovery measures for those who have experienced attacks , and is well positioned to help organisations devise action plans .
To speak to an Xperience Consultant about your IT security Email : Enquiries @ xperiencegroup . com Visit www . xperienceitsolutions . co . uk
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