Business First December 2017 December BF Digital | Page 8

Calling all disruptor businesses across Northern Ireland


ith $ 1m investment up for grabs from a Silicon Valley­based Venture Capital firm , who would have thought Belfast would be recognised in the top 30 cities across the world to host a regional event ?
Fenox Venture Capital are embarking upon their 2018 StartUp World Event and the Belfast Shapers decided that Northern Ireland , with our multitude of innovative businesses and our myriad of talented individuals , must be given the opportunity to pitch for this investment and mentorship .
With cities like Bejing , Sydney and London getting involved , this is Belfast ’ s chance to put ourselves on the global map . To show that we truly are a forward­thinking and ambitious community , whether it is through manufacturing market­leading eco­friendly surfboards or disrupting the tech space with innovative software solutions .
In 2017 StartUp World Cup attracted 1,500 attendees , with over 200 journalists . The final was hosted by Steve Wozniak , Co­Founder of Apple , with companies such as Reddit , Shark Tank and Garage Technology Ventures giving key note speeches .
StartUp World Cup 2018 has speakers like Barack Obama and Richard Branson on the cards ,
If you are a local and creative start­up and want to get involved , you can enter from here www . startupworldcup . io / northernireland‐application
No business will be ruled out based on turnover , staffing size or years active , but will be assessed on an individual basis , looking at forward­thinking technology , innovative ideas and an ability to scale .
What you need to know Opening date : 5th October 2017 Closing date : 24th November 2017

Choosing your next charity partnership – why not consider Cancer Focus Northern Ireland ?

Heat ‐ Belfast : 16th January 2018 Final ‐ San Francisco : 11th May 2018 $ 1m investment for the winner , with incredible networking , mentorship and investment opportunities for everyone .
This event is being run by The Belfast Global Shapers – to find out more information please contact Orla McGreevy at 4c Executive , Mark O ’ Donnell at Kaero , Peter Edgar at Dawson Andrews , Jess Caldwell at Catalyst or Seamus Sands at Kainos on hello @ bfshapers . com

Wirefox expands portfolio in Glasgow

Baker McKenzie and Cancer Focus NI working together to help cancer patients
ancer Focus NI is your local cancer health and well­being of the company ’ s charity , here to help cancer patients and employees .

Ctheir families right across Northern There are opportunities to raise cancer

Ireland . awareness , fundraise , volunteer , train etc . For
If you chose Cancer Focus NI as your new more details please contact Rosie Forsythe , charity partner , not only will you be giving Corporate Fundraising Manager , Cancer back to a local charity , but Cancer Focus NI Focus Northern Ireland , 028 9068 0759 or will provide FREE health checks for the email rosieforsythe @ cancerfocusni . org irefox has extended its UK portfolio with the £ 41 million acquisition of a

Wlandmark office building in Glasgow . Formerly the W . D . and H . O . Wills tobacco and cigar factory , which employed over 3,500 people , the five­storey building underwent major redevelopment works in 2002 to convert it to office space , and is currently occupied on a multi­let basis by a variety of high­profile tenants .

Wirefox was advised by leading Scottish law firm MacRoberts LLP and Derek Paterson of DPL , a specialist investment property advisor , alongside Belfast­based solicitors Davidson McDonnell .
The City Park deal is the latest in a number of significant Scottish purchases made by Wirefox ,
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