Ardmore strengthens top team with key strategic appointments
rdmore Advertising , has appointed Mark Irwin as managing director and confirmed that founder and former managing director , John Keane , will take up the role of chief executive officer with immediate effect .
As part its strategic plan for consolidation and growth , Paul Bowen , group creative director and Miriam Moertl , senior account director , have been appointed to the company ’ s board of directors .
Ardmore Advertising chief executive , John Keane , said : “ To consolidate our strengths and position our team to deliver the best for our clients , I ’ m delighted to welcome Mark , Paul and Miriam to join me on the senior management team . These adjustments to our accomplished team build a strengthened base from which we can propel clients further forward as we expand our services .
“ Mark joined Ardmore in 2005 and has made an outstanding contribution to our growth .
“ In his new role , Mark will ensure that we continue to provide classleading commerciallyfocused strategic and creative solutions for clients across the UK and Ireland and increasingly further afield though our membership of Worldwide Partners Inc . ( WPI ).”
Established in 1989 , Ardmore Advertising combines a committed , specialist team of more than 50 staff , representing significant
oyle Port has announced a record operating profit of £ 2.2million generated from a turnover of £ 8.6 million for the 2016 / 2017 period .
The figures , published at its Annual General Meeting , shows that the operating profit uplift represents a 50 per cent increase on last year .
Now in its fifth year of consecutive growth , Foyle Port reinvests all its profits to continually improve the business and upgrade facilities .
Capital investment in 2016 / 17 totalled
clients across the public and private sectors including Argento , Dale Farm , I Feel Slovenia , InterTradeIreland , Irwin ’ s Bakery , Lunn ’ s , MCS Group , Phoenix Natural Gas , Saudia , Stena Line , Subway , Translink and Visit Belfast .
John Keane added : “ The demand for creativity , ideas and brand passion is intact in an industry undergoing a huge transformation and the demand for fastmoving integration continues to grow unabated . Ardmore has and continues to be at the forefront of positive change and thinking , realigning strengths and skills in areas where we can make the most impact .”
Earlier this year , Keane was appointed vicechair of Coloradobased Worldwide Partners Inc ., ( WPI ) a global advertising and marketing communications network comprising more than 65 independent agencies across 50 countries .
Keane is also chair of leading Belfastbased strategic public relations specialist LK Communications , a sister company to Ardmore Advertising .
Foyle Port announces record operating profit
£ 3.6million which included a state of the art tug to safeguard the future shipping operations in Lough Foyle .
The Port ’ s average number of employees has increased to 92 over the last year . This includes permanent employees , plus a number of full time equivalent positions . In all , it represents a salary contribution of £ 3.2 million per annum . Foyle Port Chair , Bonnie Anley , commented : “ The past year has been significant for the Port as it was the strongest financial performance in our 162year history .”
“ As a trust port , we reinvest all our profits which means that our workforce and all the wider businesses that we support benefit collectively .”
“ Our sustained growth has driven more than £ 100m of inward investment into the northwest region and our successful diversification of the business means that we are on course for further growth in the years to come .”
“ External uncertainties prevail , but our strategy has proven robust with a 25 per cent operating margin achieved in 2016 / 17 demonstrating how well the wider port is performing .”
Foyle Port Chief Executive , Brian McGrath added : “ The port continues to play a significant part in the business life in the northwest city region and on both sides of the border . Not only have the numbers of employees increased by 20 per cent at the port , we sustain over 1,000 more jobs in the area .”
“ As a wider economic zone , our work at the port transcends politics and borders . With Brexit coming down the track , we are committed to delivering our commercial and statutory duties whatever happens . We will simply have to deal with the consequences of the future arrangements of the customs union , single market and the common travel area . Uncertainty erodes business confidence and deters investment , but we will face up to the new realities .”
“ We move into the next year with great enthusiasm as our plan to develop a new cruise ship terminal continues to gain strong support from those who recognise the massive tourism potential in this part of the island of Ireland .”
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