Business Continuity Planning Toolkit | Page 29

Toolkit - - - - Tabletop exercises: Members of the emergency management group meet in a conference room setting to discuss their responsibilities and how they would react to emergency scenarios. These exercises are a cost-effective and efficient way to identify areas of overlap and confusion before conducting more demanding training activities. Walk-through drills: During these drills, the emergency management group and response teams actually perform their emergency response functions. This activity generally involves many people and is more thorough than a tabletop exercise. Functional drills: These drills test specific functions such as medical response, emergency notifications, warning and communications procedures, and equipment—though not necessarily at the same time. Personnel are asked to evaluate the systems and identify problem areas. Evacuation drills: Personnel walk the evacuation route to a designated area where procedures for accounting for all personnel are tested. Participants are asked to make notes of what might become a hazard during an emergency, such as stairways cluttered with debris or smoke in the hallways. Plans are then modified accordingly. Full-scale exercises: Full-scale exercises simulate real-life emergency situations as closely as possible. These exercises involve company emergency response personnel, employees, management and community response organizations. Train Employees Employee training is crucial to ensuring a speedy evacuation and minimizing injuries and damage. General training for all employees should address the following: - Individual roles and responsibilities - Information about threats, hazards and protective actions - Notification, warning and communications procedures - Means for locating family members in an emergency - Emergency response procedures - Evacuation, shelter and accountability procedures - Location and use of common emergency equipment - Emergency shutdown procedures The scenarios developed during the vulnerability analysis can serve as the basis for training events. Everyone who works at or visits the facility requires some form of training. This could include periodic employee discussion sessions to review procedures, technical training in equipment use for emergency responders, evacuation drills and full-scale exercises. Assign responsibility for developing a training plan. Consider the training and information needs for employees, contractors, visitors, managers and those with an emergency response role identified in the plan. Determine the following for a 12-month training period: - Who will be trained? - Who will do the training? - What training activities will be used? - When and where will each session take place? - How will each session be evaluated and documented? 28