What is business continuity planning?
Business continuity planning is the process of creating a plan now, so that you will be able to
recover the most vulnerable parts of your company after a business interruption occurs. Your
company’s business continuity plan, in conjunction with business interruption insurance, form
your business continuity management (BCM) program. Businesses with strong BCM programs
are more resilient in the face of emergencies and disasters.
Why is business continuity planning important?
Despite growing evidence that preparation is key to surviving a business emergency, more than
60 percent of small businesses do not have a formal emergency response plan. A business
continuity plan, if implemented and maintained, can be the difference between successfully
recovering from a business interruption and going out of business.
How do I use this guide?
The Business Continuity Planning Toolkit pairs with the Business Continuity Sample Plan,
providing descriptions of the purpose of each section of the sample plan. This toolkit follows the
same format as the sample plan, making it easy to use as guidance when piecing the sample
plan together.
This toolkit is divided into six sections:
1. Direction and Control
2. Communication
3. Life Safety
4. Property Protection
5. Community Outreach
6. Recovery and Restoration
7. Implementation and Maintenance
Each section goes over the critical activities your organization needs to implement before, during
and after a business interruption.
Marshall & Sterling Insurance
Proud Sponsor of the Business Incubator Assoc. of NYS
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