Decide what type of emergency supplies you need, such as water, food and firstaid kits.
Designate shelter managers.
Coordinate plans with local authorities.
Employee Training
A comprehensive evacuation plan means nothing if your employees do not know it. Train all
employees in evacuation, shelter and emergency procedures. Conduct training sessions at least
annually or when the following occurs:
- Employees are hired
- Evacuation wardens, shelter managers and others with special assignments are
- New equipment, materials or processes are introduced
- Procedures are updated or revised
- Exercises show that employee performance must be improved
To ensure your employees stay aware of emergency procedures all year long, provide them with
checklists and evacuation maps. Post additional evacuation maps in strategic locations, and
consider the informational needs of customers and others who visit the facility.
Family Preparedness
Since employees are your most valuable asset, consider the range of services that you could
provide or arrange for after an emergency, including the following:
- Cash advances
- Salary continuation
- Flexible work hours
- Reduced work hours
- Crisis counselling
- Care packages
- Day care
Investigate ways to help employees prepare their families for emergencies. This will increase
their personal safety and help the facility get back up and running. Employees who are prepared
at home will be better able to carry out their responsibilities at work.