Business Coaching Canberra July 2013


Business Coaching


Tony Ozanne .....‘ more than a Business Coach ” www . tonyozanne . com

Coaching = Win

Did you know that most successful entrepreneurs have a coach or mentor behind them who has helped facilitate the success ?
Can you think of any successful sporting teams or individuals who have reached the highest level of success without a coach behind them ?
Maybe there is something in these facts ... coaches are not a sign of failure , they are a tool for showcasing your success and commitment to grow .
Why not have a look for a coach who suits your business today ?

Do you ‘ lead ’ or ‘ manage ’?

There are many articles written about leadership and management and what makes a great leader or a great manager , but how do these terms really relate to small business and the role the small business owner has ?
I was listening to an interview today on a plane , and unfortunately I cannot reference who it was as I missed the start but caught the middle part of the discussion and it was all about this topic .
One of the definitions given was well received by me and went something like this .
“ Management is nothing to do with people . It is all about the processes , systems , procedures and tasks necessary to run the business . If you think about it , we do ‘ manage ’ the execution of tasks , but does this make us a manager or just an effective and strong leader ?
Leadership is all about the people and how we motivate , inspire , drive , respond and change behaviors .”
To Read the full article and to add your thoughts visit the blog post directly .
Do you lead or manage FULL POST tonyozanne . com