Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine September 2014 | Page 46

TOP 10
2 . ANTHONY PRATT $ 7.64 billion , Visy , Pratt Industries
SINCE THE DEATH of his father , Richard Pratt , the founder of Visy , Anthony Pratt has acquired his business and in turn , doubled the wealth to a $ 2 billion empire , which is growing 20 percent annually . Currently , Visy is co-owned by Anthony and his sisters , Heloise Waislitz and Fiona Gaminder .
After graduating from Monash University with a Bachelors of Economics , Anthony took over as executive chairman , sending Visy ’ s corporate reputation index ranking from number 43 to number 3 from 2009 to 2011 .
1 . GINA RINEHART $ 20.01 billion , Hancock Prospecting
46 September 2014