Provide resources for the entire smb value chain When creating a marketing strategy based on one or several social media platforms , make sure your efforts do not just focus on marketing . Consider all parts of the SME ’ s value chain , such as sales , open innovation , sourcing and customer service .
“ I believe when using LinkedIn to approach SME companies , choosing who you interact with is essential ,” shared Grace . “ With larger corporations it ’ s easier to hit a number of people across and organisation and gain traction , but in SMEs approaching the top leadership is the key in gaining success and credibility .”
By providing a company with support , ideas , and resources for several facets of their business , you will enrich the entire customer experience .
Facilitate open dialogue to increase credibility Not so surprisingly , the best way to reach out to these SMEs is through social media . Using LinkedIn will allow companies to see your credentials and what projects you ’ ve worked on before you strike up an official conversation about their marketing needs . Establish immediate credibility and position yourself as the go-to expert .
Your understanding of social media and ability to apply your knowledge to a specific company ’ s needs can result in successful marketing campaigns for SMEs ; the lifeblood of Australian business .
“ Create a marketing strategy that puts your company in front of its clients on a more regular basis so that you can communicate with them through a more casual setting . In fact , 58 percent of the businesses surveyed attributed their hyper-growth to the increased spend on social media advertising .”