SUPPLY CHAIN joined the business in 2016 taking over from Andrea Grassini who then became Global Sourcing Director . Grassini has been instrumental within the group ’ s procurement and supply chain transformation , and has taken the business ’ procurement and supply chain capabilities to the next level .
“ Previously , the interface between design and sourcing was happening much more downstream in the process . Now , the way we work opens up more opportunities ,” he explains .
“ When you have your own factories , it ’ s much more difficult to keep in touch with the market , so we keep in touch through our network of suppliers .
“ Instead of having one location , we have over 30 . We don ’ t manage the production directly , but we operate like a factory , with production managers , scheduling and planning . Instead of production orders we use purchase orders , but it is similar . It ’ s part of our success .”
Working alongside designers in Italy , New York and China , Gonzalez and his team work in sync with both designers and suppliers , passing on innovative design concepts which can be mass produced , placing particular emphasis on building mutually positive supplier relationships in the process .
“ We are like a revolving door , with suppliers on one hand and designers on the other , in
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