Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine October 2015 | Page 80

solar and batteries will defect from the grid , however at SEANZ , we are advocate for a market design which accepts consumers have the right to interconnect and operate smallscale generation-plus-batteries under a fair , transparent charging regime .
In particular this relates to the ability to sell surplus distributed generation energy locally and not be forced to sell to a wholesale market .
There are benefits to keeping solar customers grid-connected but the network and the services it offers will have to change . At SEANZ we believe that pricing structures will have to change to reflect the changing nature of the distribution network but this can be a win-win for consumers and the companies that connect us to the grid . But these companies will need to change their business models rather than just increase prices if they are to remain competitive and prevent consumers with their new found storage ability defecting from the grid .
80 O ctober 2015