Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine October 2015 | Page 64

UGL ’ s ultimate objective is a dynamic supply chain that is responsive to its customers .

UGL Limited has been on a journey to fundamentally change its operations , in order to get ahead of the industry curve and continue to see the $ 2.3 billion business grow .

The company , which trades on the Australian Securities Exchange , is a leading provider of end-to-end outsourced engineering , asset management and maintenance services with a diversified endmarket exposure across the core sectors of Rail , technology systems , power , resources , water and defence .
With over 8,000 employees
( including subcontractors ) across Australia and South East Asia , the company partners with some of the world ’ s largest blue-chip companies , government agencies , and private enterprise / public institutions .
It is not an easy task to revise the supply chain strategy of any company , as it is intrinsically linked to daily operations . Dean Newman , Head of Supply Chain for Rail Freight at UGL , explained the Rail Freight business ’ journey in detail . He said : “ Our underlying fundamental principle is the maintenance and construction of assets ; that ’ s the
64 October 2015