Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine October 2015 | Page 61

David has held senior roles in the electricity and gas industries of New Zealand , as well as in local government . involved in the deregulation of the electricity industry in South Australia in the 1990s . He is on the board of Energy Skills Queensland .


Executive General Manager , Customer Service

Peter Billing is responsible for the operational effectiveness of the distribution business and for the safe , efficient operation and maintenance of Ergon Energy ’ s network . He is also responsible for supply to Ergon ’ s isolated communities and the commercial delivery of modular infrastructure and generation solutions . He brings a wealth of industry , leadership and change management experience to the executive , from trade roles to management . Peter was directly


Chief Financial Officer , Finance and Corporate Services

Mike Hutchens is responsible for managing the financial and commercial aspects of Ergon Energy ’ s business , including strategic procurements , as well as the business ’ legal counsel and risk and assurance program . Mike has significant accomplishments in financial and general management and has worked for a diverse range of businesses , including publicly listed multinational corporations , predominantly in the mining industry , as well as large professional services firms .
www . companyurl . ergon . . com . au 61