Thinking forward A major initiative Ergon Energy has undertaken is in the form of disaster relief . The company is currently running a series of scenarios to better understand the network in the event of natural disasters , as well as learning how it could improve .
“ Right now we ’ re doing two things , the first of which is running a series of exercises to test the readiness of our network and whether we need to reconfigure it or change critical aspects to make it more resilient in the future ,” said Billing .
“ The second thing is technology . We ’ re looking to interact with a number of technologies such as crowdsourcing and social media to find out if these are applicable for us .”
The company is also holding workshops to better understand response perspectives from people and companies with actual experience dealing with these disasters .
“ Input from Rod West from Entergy in the United States has been paramount for us ,” Billing . “ His experience from Katrina and lessons learned were really insightful and important for us to consider with our network .”
“ All of these workshops , exercises and reports are better preparing us for the future ,” said Billing . “ We ’ re thinking ahead and about where we want to be in 2020 .”
With Ergon Energy at the helm , the people of Queensland are in good hands — today and in the future .
Company Information
Utilities ; government agency
420 Flinders St Townsville , Queensland , Australia
Utilities ; government agency
www . ergon . com . au 57