Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine October 2015 | Page 50



UASG is Australia ’ s leading provider of retail meter reading and installation services in the electricity , gas and water sectors , and of end-to-end essential maintenance and inspection services in electricity distribution .
Our speciality brands , Skilltech and UAM , partner with customers to offer safe , compliant and reliable services . This commitment is evidenced by our 95 % client renewal rate and outstanding safety record .
Our essential services support Ergon Energy every day by :
● Inspecting and maintaining 250,000 poles and 50,000 + street lights a year in urban and remote areas
● Conducting an Annual Road Patrol Program of 30,000 + street lights
● Supplying quality field metering services , including reading , special reads , disconnections and reconnections to 2.4 + million accounts each year
Contact us today : 1300 377 170 enquiries @ uasg . com . au www . uasg . com . au