Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine October 2015 | Page 41

between the two organisations is critical to ensure consistency of the power supply and to make sure that fuel is transported and delivered safely and effectively with minimal risk to the environment . Caltex has proven to be a trusted supplier and a key partner in Ergon operations .
In one of many dialogues between both companies to review operational efficiencies and improvement initiatives , Caltex proposed an opportunity for Ergon to reduce fuel consumption . ActiveTecD fuel , one of three Caltex value-added fuel products , was suggested as being a good fit with existing infrastructure and logistics . The fuel was claimed to offer a potential 2 per cent improvement in thermal efficiency ( reduced consumption ), by removing deposits in the fuel system and preventing further build-up . In prolonged operation this should help restore and maintain ‘ new engine ’ like performance for longer .
Caltex was able to demonstrate the claimed effectiveness of ActiveTecD in the transport market , which established a performance test in the power station at Boulia , Queensland . Boulia was proposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the fuel as it had a good mix of old and new engines , giving a credible trial at a load that was typical of the rest of Ergon ’ s fleet . Based on before and after thermal efficiency measurements , the data collected showed average fuel efficiency to be slightly better than the purported figure . This level of performance was sustained after many months of successful operation .
Caltex ’ s support has been with Ergon all the way , and its strong technical capabilities and experience is something on which Ergon Energy places a high value . From a supplier management perspective , the Caltex relationship sets the benchmark against which all other Isolated System suppliers are compared .