Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine November 2015 | Page 53

VP of Production Kam Leung stands next to concentrate ready for shipment to Malaysia
“ My experience is there are many times when reducing your headcount improves your results . When you start , people find it counterintuitive ; however , when you have many people working together and they ’ re not fully utilized , they become accustomed to not doing their best work every day . It ’ s also not at all satisfying for staff to feel they don ’ t have productive work to do ,” Lacaze said .
“ We worked really hard to create a culture of performance . Quality of action is something we focus on and I ’ m a big believer that there is no substitute for hard work .”
With the framework for a concentrated workforce in place , production is now profitable and sales revenues continue to grow .
“ As CEO , one of the most important aspects of my job is getting everyone in the Lynas team to do the best job possible ,” Lacaze said .
As a sign of the good times to come , Lynas recently announced a restructure and debt agreement with its 2 lenders . The deal , according to Lacaze , is a natural next step for the company .
“ We ’ ve come a long way : We ’ ve fixed production issues , we ’ ve improved engagement with our
www . lynascorp . com 53