Rebirth of Lynas Appointed CEO in June 2014 , Lacaze ’ s first plan of action was to establish a strategic framework to put its financial house in order .
“ When I first started , Lynas had corporate offices in Sydney , KL and Perth as well as the facilities in Mt Weld and Kuantan . We decided it was best to ensure our people were co-located at our production facilities with a small number in Perth . This improved teaming and business efficiency and also deliver lower costs ,” said Lacaze . “ Shutting down some of the offices proved significant savings for us .”
Another critical component in the turnaround was reducing the company ’ s headcount . According to Lacaze , the unpopular move can actually spark improvement .
Amanda Lacaze , CEO and Managing Director
Founded in 1872 , the Sibelco Group has grown into a multinational business with more than 245 mining and production facilities worldwide . In 2012 , Sibelco acquired QMAG Limited , one of the world ’ s most trusted producers of high grade Caustic Calcined Magnesia ( CCM ).
Sibelco has partnered with Lynas from early 2014 to provide our Caustic Calcined Magnesia ( CCM ) and is helping Lynas effectively stabilise their production process and maximise RE recoveries . At Sibelco we pride ourselves on our capabilities in operations management , process engineering and research and development . We have a team of highly qualified and experienced technical experts in the hydrometallurgical industry , who work closely with Lynas staff to improve process efficiency and increase the value in use of our magnesia .
Sibelco has a global portfolio of customers and our magnesia products are sold and delivered to over 30 countries worldwide . We provide tailored logistics solutions through our global network of service providers and the global Sibelco presence . Through our QMAG product range , Sibelco Australia is well positioned to deliver further growth and support our magnesia customers long into the future .
Website : www . sibelco . com . au www . lynascorp . com 51