Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine November 2015 | Page 45

MINING push the boundaries of technology .
“ We see ourselves as a technology and service company . As a culture , we are innovators and we ’ re driven by new products and solutions ,” said Savage . “ It comes right from the top here at Joy Global and we maintain that common message here in Australasia .”
Investing in employees is an aspect of Joy Global Australasia ’ s success . Along with common training programs , the company trains staff in various programs such as leadership skills , operational excellence , lean methodology in manufacturing and other sources in the business .
“ We don ’ t just talk to the talk ,” said Savage . “ We talk about having smart people and we actively strive to provide the necessary training and resources to ensure employees are top notch . We ’ re not a ‘ hire and fire ’ type of business . We have immense pride in what we do and our employees reflect that passion .”
Joy Global Australasia is also an active participant in giving back to its surrounding communities . According to Savage , the company is involved in various programs such as cancer and mental health research , and readily contributes through donations and community involvement .
“ We try to be unbiased with our community involvement . Joy is an active contributor in communities around the world and we maintain that message here in Australasia ,” Savage concluded .

Company Information

Mining equipment
www . joyglobal . com 45