Solutions are taking Joy ’ s customers to new levels of performance by maximizing production , lowering costs and helping keep people from harm ’ s way .
“ We ’ re utilizing this information to enhance performance , as well as linking to automation and predictive maintenance ,” said Savage .
Partnering with IBM , Smart Services allows Joy Global to analyze and compare operating data from its worldwide fleet , helping to identify anomalies in machine performance and continuous improvements in products . The end result is a combination of improved availability , utilization and productivity , while also reducing operating costs .
According to Savage , the analytics produced allow Joy to better partner with its customers to provide direction and anticipate service needs , as well as optimize machine productivity to drive results and improve overall mine performance .
“ We ’ re developing algorithms that can look at operational data measurements off the machine and detect trends and predict potential . The smart connected products include predictive technologies aimed at taking people out of harm ’ s
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