TOP 10
million Tweets each day , and has been valued as high as $ 30 billion . Twitter opened the door for instant communication and information sharing , but sets itself apart by not requiring users to “ friend ” each other .
Located in Kenya and Tanzania , M-Pesa made strategic moves as a small company to make it big . A mobile-phone based money transfer company launched in 2007 , M-Pesa also offers microfinancing as a way to differentiate itself . Users deposit money into their account , which is stored on their mobile phone . They then use a
PIN number to text messages to other users to make real-money transactions without having cash in hand . With more than 17 million accounts just in Kenya , this financial tool has helped provide important funding and monetary access to people in numerous developing countries . Because it offers a safe method of moving money , it ’ s helped to support growing economies and reduce crime .
Founded in 2009 , Kickstarter caught on nearly as quickly as some of the most successful fund-raising campaigns its
30 N ovember 2015