think this might be a cause for concern in your situation , consider running crowdfunding efforts congruently .
Understanding Platform Options Crowdfunding can be the sole way a business raises funds , or it can also supplement investor and lender commitments . Those looking for smaller amounts of money can appeal to consumer-use platforms like Kickstarter ; entrepreneurs looking for fundraising efforts to surpass $ 1 million would have better luck on equity crowdfunding portals . Australia has several different crowdfunding options like the Australian Small Scale Offerings Board ( ASSOB ), ChipIn , CitiNiche , FieldTheory and iPledg , among others .
There are hundreds of options and ways to go about raising the capital you need to make your company successful . Thorough , diligent research into these options , a strong vision and a passion for what you do will help you and your business reach your fundraising goals .
20 November 2014