Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine May 2019 | Page 41

£ 1.5bn

Approximate revenue

1992 The year it gained university status

23,500 +

Approximate number can identify a candidate quickly and send a contract that they can sign digitally within an hour of getting approval is a clear transformation of the way we onboard staff , for example ,” says Ramsden .

“ If we can move quickly , we have much better chance of getting the best global talent into our research projects and academic teaching roles .”
The final leg of Swinburne ’ s digital transformation is creating a fully digital
campus . “ We have information coming

of students

from Wi-Fi access points that we can
use to know where people aggregate ,” says Ramsden . “ We feed that information back into the building management system so we can proactively change climate conditioning systems .” CCTV is also useful for recording the flow of people , but when linked with facial recognition software it can identify individuals that are not supposed to be on campus or be programmed to flag up abnormal movements of people . There are large energy savings to be achieved as well . Ramsden ’ s team is now working closely with Cisco on the use of Wi-Fi to feed back into building management systems .
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