Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine May 2019 | Page 39

CLICK TO WATCH : ‘ SWINBURNE ’ S FUTURE LEARNING EXPERIENCE ’ 39 use information and analytics to improve outcomes . We are running focus groups to find out how the students are coping with this change .”
The third leg supports Swinburne ’ s digital platforms for research . “ We are trying to create an environment where we can provide researchers with the platforms they need in a cost-effective way ,” Ramsden explains . “ Many of our research programmes are global collaborations . We are creating a Swinburne cloud which at the back end is based on a hybrid of Microsoft Azure , Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) and platforms like the Australian federal research cloud .”
Swinburne gives its students easy access to the platforms and tools they need . In addition to Microsoft Office 365 for students , The Electronic Licence Management System ( ELMS ) portal provides science , technical , engineering and maths students with an interface to obtain licence codes and download media for VMware and Microsoft software design , as well as development tools , such as MS Imagine .
Additionally , Swinburne has also
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