Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine March 2019 | Page 68

68 shared feedback . By utilising Open Data to collect data on a national scale , the technology solution TradeNet was born , enabling farmers to share and access data through SMS with customers and other farmers . This data is obtained through existing channels such as weather data channels and other basic technology , to enable a self-sustainable business model combining data , farmers , customers , markets / dealers and phone companies on an open system to benefit the livelihoods of hundreds and thousands of families . Those using the technology can both collect and input data regarding the selling price of basic commodities , such as the prices of seeds and fertilizers and send daily updates to farmers through SMS . Thus , the farmers can determine their input costs , increasing their selling profit by utilising the information made available to them . Now , more than 350,000 farmers have joined the Esoko platform in 10 countries in Africa and it continues to expand .
In the West , countries such as The
MARCH 2019