Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine March 2016 | Page 44

14F Cyberone Bldg , # 11 Eastwood Ave Eastwood City Cyberpark , Bagumbayan
Quezon City , Philippines 1110 www . deltaearthmoving . com

We ’ ll Move The Earth For You !

Delta Earthmoving , Inc ., a Filipino-owned company is the leading Quarry and Mining Contractor in the
Philippines . It ’ s on-going major contract in Metal Mine is with OceanaGold Philippines , Inc . where it covers the entire Open Pit Operations , Tailings Dam Construction ,
Civil Works and the continuing Mine Rehabilitation activities . On the Quarry industry , it currently undertakes a number of Limestone and Basalt
Quarries with La Farge-Holcim , CRH-Aboitiz , Cemex and two ( 2 ) major local Cement manufacturers .
As a local company , the biggest exposure it has experienced is the acquisition of the mining contract for OceanaGold ’ s Didipio Copper-Gold Project which became the biggest opportunity for Delta to enhance its operating and safety standards and its socio-economic skills .
This transforms Delta into a World-Class Mining Contractor and is now well primed to take on bigger and more challenging projects and continue to lead in the industry in the Philippines .
For further information , call or email us : Tel : ( 63 ) ( 2 ) 687-1000 Email : secretariat @ deltaearthmoving . com