documentation can use smartphones to inspect automatically . If something seems out of place , the photo recognition software is taught , or programmed , to report it . Although these people may not pose any real harm to the company , they ’ ve built an app that allowed the camera to differentiate between harmless intruders and malicious ones , saving the company the need to react with extreme force to relatively benign situations — in this case a single guard needing to respond rather than the whole cavalry .
4 . Inventory management Companies with inventory can now QR codes directly onto the boxes on their shelves and track inventory on employee smartphones . With MPI , employees can simply walk down the warehouse aisles and scan items . The related app directly links to an inventory management system , resulting in faster inventory count , employee theft prevention and improved analytics . The backend dashboard allows management to see exactly how much inventory is left and automatically compare it to predicted inventory , in real time , improving visibility into the process . Back orders can also be created automatically as soon as an inventory count runs low , saving time and human labor . And , best of all , it is impossible to have miscounts , whether they are based on human error or a thieving employee trying to cover their tracks .
5 . Becoming leaner Companies are leveraging the power of mobile APPs for automation , allowing them to focus employee attentions elsewhere . For example , many companies with an assembly line still use employees to inspect the process and check off moving parts with a clip-board and a pen ! Jobs like this can be “ leaned ” with smartphone APPs . QR codes can be printed directly onto each piece of assembly , and a small , hand-held smartphone can automatically scan each piece , syncing to a visual interface that managers can observe remotely . This process enhancement has already allowed entire divisions of human labour to be refocused to other projects , creating tremendous cost savings .