Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine July 2018 | Page 87

Chief Executive Officer

Ken Madrid

Chief Executive Officer
Ken Madrid is the CEO for Asia Pacific , the Group CFO and a member of the Executive Board for the Crown Worldwide Group , a private company headquartered in Hong Kong . Madrid is responsible for over 100 operations located throughout Asia , Australia and New Zealand as well as the worldwide financial management of the Group . He is a key driver of the strategic development and overall management of the company . He joined the Crown Worldwide Group in 1991 as CFO and member of the Executive Board . In 1994 , he was appointed Executive Vice President and in 2003 , CEO of the Asia Pacific region . During Ken ’ s tenure , Crown has expanded from an Asian based regional company to a global leader with offices in over 50 countries .
example . They don ' t want to come to our website and find information . They want to see it directly in their own HR system .”
For private customers , Crown has consequently launched its Online Move Hub , where a portal is provided to enable customers to upload documents and transact the entire end-to-end process of moving house using their phone , tablet or PC .
“ Here , we securely exchange documents with customers on a digital platform . We can look at a dynamic timeline about what customers need to do and where their shipment is ,” says Kenning .
“ Customers don ' t want to get home and make a phone call and reach a switchboard to speak to somebody . They want to go on their phone , push a button and see everything that they need .
“ Our struggle is always building a personalised solution , linking it with the different data sources that are available and being able to provide this to customers on demand ,” says Madrid .
“ We ' re not just a logistics company . Information is almost more important than the actual physical movement of
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