SUPPLY CHAIN ferently , it is asking its suppliers and even its internal staff to look at supply chain in a newer and different dimension .
This , James feels , is the only way in which the company can truly grow and prosper .
“ Changing the supply chain wasn ’ t enough ,” he says . “ It ’ s about challenging the status quo and drive innovation . And in so doing , changing how others , such as suppliers , customers and the like , see us .”
This change starts internally . James is striving to create a much more collaborative ecosystem , connecting the buyers and the sellers and the technology people with the business to drive that innovation .
This collaboration is almost a no brainer as the technology teams within PLI are often in contact with suppliers in the same way that the procurement and supply chain teams are . Couple that with the fact that the sales team are in constant contact with the technology and procurement teams , it makes sense to create a unified collaborative dialogue .
“ It ’ s been one of the major changes so far in this journey ,” says James . “ What it has done is enable a far greater mix of conversation . It has helped us create better ideas and greater possibilities as a company .”
PLI embarked on this journey of change some years ago and the company can already point to areas in which this vision is starting to bear fruit .
23 asia . businesschief . com