Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine July 2018 | Page 14

14 missing the lubricants business terribly . So , when after a few years I was asked to head up PLI ’ s supply chain function I had to check myself not to bite their hand off !”
Now he can call upon his extensive experience of working within a large multinational company and , crucially , how the supply chain can support and guide and impact the success of PLI ’ s vision .
“ Having worked for BP , it really opened my eyes to how a multinational company operates . It gave me first-hand experience in seeing the procurement of raw materials right through the entire supply chain to customer delivery ,” he says .
“ What I believe is an important learning is the need for a company of the size and scale of PLI to be just as fast and nimble as other bigger players . That ’ s what drives us here at PLI .”
As the company looks to generate efficiencies across its supply chain to operate more effectively , James believes that there needs to be the basics of efficient and effective supply chain , and awareness of other opportunities to add value to the relationships that are being built .
This , James feels , is key to the supply chain transformation so that , “ customers get what they want , when they want it , when they ask for it ,” he says .
JULY 2018