Laboratory technicians at The Medical City ’ s Regenerative Medicine Laboratory perform the engineering of cells and other biomaterials for the purpose of preserving , restoring , or enhancing organ function .
103 users to adopt the system .”
With the aim to bring the entire the network of hospitals and clinics under one platform , TMC has implemented a robust cloud infrastructure that can not only cope with the demands of the business , but deliver resilience across its disaster recovery strategy . It will also work to ensure scalability .
“ By getting all areas interconnected , we can maximise synergies across the hospital network , without placing increased investment at each site ,” says Medel .
By appointing Orion Health Inc , TMC has also invested in a world-class hospital information and consultation system , which will
“ By getting all areas interconnected , we can maximise synergies across the hospital network , without placing increased investment at each site ”
— Brett Medel , Group Chief Information Officer
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