Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine July 2016 | Page 3

HELLO AND WELCOME TO the July issue of Business Review Australia & Asia ,
Economies across the world are wrestling with the fallout from the commodity price downturn and the clarion call for economic diversification grows louder by the day .
In light of this , we feature a contribution that explores how Vietnam is growing into the next big supply chain hub in South East Asia and how , even in more developed markets , the business imperative is changing . Australia ’ s Spotless Group being a prime example of this . We also take a look at the fastest growing Asian technology companies and the factors that have contributed this unheard of growth .
In a similar vein , our cover story on Allscripts explores how the company is revolutionising its digital processes , bringing together a number of stakeholders in the Australian healthcare space to deliver advanced healthcare solutions .
Nye Longman Editor
Nye . longman @ bizclikmedia . com