“ The applications and software built on top of [ 5G ] is what generates value ”
— Guo Ping Chairman , Huawei on the cusp of a third phase of home technology . The first saw the introduction of refrigerators , microwaves and vacuum cleaners , though “ each stood alone , serving a single mechanical purpose .” Continuing , Eun explained that “ the second phase began more recently , connecting our devices and appliances to the internet , leveraging sensors and software to bring it all together , giving us what is now referred to as the connected home .”
Eun expects the current , second phase to be accelerated by
to create a foundation , so app and software developers can fully unleash their potential ,” he said .
The talk was in line with the Huawei ’ s attempt to build its own “ next generation ” ecosystem of technologies , owing to the cold shoulder being shown to the company by the US government .
5G was also an important element of a talk from Samsung Electronics ’ Chief Innovation Officer , David Eun , discussing an area where the full breadth of Samsung ’ s products can interact : the home . Eun believes that we are