Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine January 2015 | Page 65

MANUFACTURING increasing the level of inventory . The company also has a very flexible workforce in the factory that is able to work longer hours or move around shifts to dedicate the time needed to maintain their short turnaround promise .
“ We ’ re more reactive from a manufacturing standpoint ,” said Rayer . “ We have a good level of information processing going through between commercial staff and the factories . We have a seamless process from an order being entered to an order being manufactured and out the door .”
Marketing Efforts Verosol has recently invested in several parts of the business to work towards a seamless experience for its customers and its employees . A new website and a focus on marketing research have been top priority for the company , with investment in 2015 ’ s marketing increasing by 25 percent .
The focus of this marketing push will be B2C channels and figuring out where they are missing out on end consumers .
“ We are currently doing research into B2B and B2C to identify gaps not only with our existing



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Website : www . businessfriend . com www . verosol . com . au 65