MANUFACTURING the way it was handled , the turnaround time and what the outcome was .
What ’ s Next Currently , a number of vehicles are going through mid-year cycle model refreshers . Holden New Zealand will be focusing on SUVs and commercial vehicles , which are the company ’ s strongest sectors in its economy .
“ Expansion is the key going forward ,” Murray said . “ We place very high importance on staff being engaged in our team interests and goals , throughout the shift in our company culture and makeup . What we value and what we promote internally is that everyone has an equal say in the business , and we are open to new ideas and initiatives . It ’ s very much breaking down the levels of hierarchy in the organisation so there are no barriers to people sharing their views and thoughts with leaders in the company .” Even though Murray is about to head back across the Tasman to take up a new role at GM Holden in Australia , he predicts an even higher level of customer interest here in New Zealand with an even greater range of vehicles available in the Holden portfolio . Murray is also confident that Holden New Zealand will continue to maintain its strong relationships with its dealer network and suppliers which should auger well for Kiwi ’ s looking for that top quality product from its iconic brand .
Company Information
Ellerslie Auckland , Australia
$ 50 Million +
Holden New Zealand is the sales subsidiary for General Motors , New Zealand . The car import and sales company started in New Zealand with the manufacture of cars , parts and even refrigerators , and has recently shifted its interests to focus on its dealer network .
www . holden . co . nz 59