example , an employee applies for maternity leave through the organisation ’ s HR system . This employee ‘ life event ’ triggers the HR department to start offering communications specific to that employee , so for example , asking : have you thought about childcare vouchers ? Have you thought about the return-to-work programme or our part-time working options ?
In rolling out concepts such as this one , employee wellbeing is prioritised . Ultimately , the strength of a company lies in the health of its people , especially in the professional services industry where human capital is the company ’ s added value . When employee wellbeing isn ’ t up to par , the business suffers across the entire value chain , making burnout a business critical challenge , and driving down overall levels of sustainability into the bargain . But businesses that focus on a sustainable workforce and ally that with a sustainable business model and environmentally-friendly business practices are likely to be here for the long-haul .
asia . businesschief . com