“ When employee wellbeing isn ’ t up to par , the business suffers across the entire value chain ”
— Richard Seel , Managing Director , Supply Chain & Logistics ( UK & US ), delaware
67 to support productivity and growth — or risk becoming obsolete . SAP SuccessFactors , a leading cloudbased HR solution , is an integrated environment encompassing all HR processes that is driven by data and analytics — and the ideal path to sustainable smart HR .
By helping to ensure employees are happy and have greater wellbeing at work , organisations can increase long-term business viability . Employees that are happy are less likely to leave , and the resultant lower attrition rates make organisations more sustainable .
This approach to building a sustainable workforce will only truly work , however , if everyone in the business is committed and open to change . There must be business-wide sponsorship to creating and maintaining a sustainable work culture — and this may involve cultural and operational change .
As we look to the future , it is likely that predictive analytics will become ever more important in maintaining a happy , sustainable workforce . As an
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