Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine February 2020 | Page 20

20 are turning to consultancies like EY for advice on how to set up a successful transformation agenda for the years to come . Cambiaghi affirms technology has become paramount to success industry-wide and beyond . “ Technology is reshaping every business in all industries ,” he says . “ From how you establish your sourcing and manufacturing platforms , to driving efficiency from manufacturing sites through automation or harnessing data , all the way to distribution connectivity and real-time visibility . Everything has been impacted by technology and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future . The end-toend supply chain is where most of the companies generate their competitive advantage through new technologies available today that we didn ’ t have a few years ago .”
With customer requirements subject to frequent change , consultancies such as EY must remain prepared to respond . “ What consultancies like us bring is the ability to work with companies to reshape their strategy and then successfully transform their