Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine February 2020 | Page 110

110 and merchants ,” Do says . “ Our number one security priority comes down to consumer trust . We strive to provide this trust by employing a very robust security program that ensures security on both our products , services , on our platform , as well as the applications that our internal users rely on every day .” That security priority must be balanced with speed of access , something for which identity and access management is crucial . “ We want to enable our developers and our engineers to move as fast as possible , but in order for them to do that securely , their identity and how they go about accessing systems to do their work is paramount . So we employ , and have a robust roadmap to implement , a very strong identity and access management program here at Gojek , including multi factor authentication .”
Do identifies a number of strategies that he has developed over his career to stay on top of security in a fast-moving organisation . “ Number one , leverage the cloud native tools that are available to you ,” says Do .