Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine December 2014 | Page 11

MONEY CAN ’ T BUY HAPPINESS the opportunity to have autonomy , mastery and purpose in what they do . Nice work if you can get it .
This will only work if people feel their own performance goals are aligned with that of their organisation and feel the connection to their personal motivations are respected . It will keep working when businesses commit to recruiting on values first , skills second .
Motivations and values like altruism , aesthetics , financial , theoretical , social , educational are what people connect to before they connect to the work they do . It is that simple .
In essence , it may not really matter whether one is remunerated with a bonus or a financial reward but rather enabling , making sure your people

The modern business person , from the millennial right out of university up to those who have been working for decades , may be looking for something a little more intrinsically rewarding . matter and showing them how and where they make a difference .

Companies Enriching Employees Based on how closely people feel to the context of their work , performance based incentives or bonus ’ can then be decided with the person ’ s best interest , or motivator in mind , and aspirations in mind .
Take Atlassian for instance , a Sydney software company that creates “ products that customer ’ s lust after ,” reward new staff prior to commencing by sending them and their partners on a weekend away so they feel relaxed and energised to start with . They truly reward staff by providing an innovative work environment that captures mood , results and efforts .