Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine August 2016 | Page 8


African Business Review explores business links between Singapore and Africa , and speaks to a number of ministers and business leaders

WHILE AFRICAN COUNTRIES only account for around 1.5 percent of Singapore ’ s total trade , the citystate is keen to ramp up its business with the continent . Businesspeople and ministers from both countries are realising more than ever that there are a number of opportunities to do business and develop both large and small projects . Following a meeting exploring trade links and opportunities between Africa and Singapore , African Business Review explores the current landscape , as well as what the future may hold .
Singapore : a model for African nations ? If you ever get the chance to take in the view from the restaurant atop Singapore ’ s historic city hall , you ’ ll be presented with an abridged history of the island nation . Emerging onto the roof from the country ’ s National Gallery , you ’ ll inevitably notice the sprawl of the Victorian cricket pitch and , beyond , the preeminent Marina Bay Sands – the world ’ s most expensive standalone casino . Pan right and you ’ ll see an impressive skyline where the towers of multinational companies dwarf the modest clubhouse below .
The story of Singapore ’ s rise from colonial trading outpost to first world Asian Tiger economy is well known and is told and re-told by everyone from cab drivers to Government Ministers . Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman , Senior Minister for Defence and Foreign Affairs says : “ That ’ s the perspective of Singapore – we are friends with everyone and continue to build relationships .
“ We have had a short period - by many countries ’ standards – as far
8 August 2016