Jacqueline Teo to discuss the firm ’ s |
Jacqueline Teo ,
CDO at HGC Global Comms
is both the subject of this month ’ s City Focus and |
ambitious transition into |
number one in our exciting |
a new digital era and how |
rundown of Asia ’ s top ten |
its operations are always |
smart cities . |
driven by a focus on the customer . | |||
“ I look at technology as a means that |
Don ’ t forget to check out our in-depth |
will provide a positive experience to |
company profiles for SoftBank , Sunthe |
user , and having an understanding |
Life Financial Asia , Sumitomo |
of the importance of that return |
Chemical , Apollo Tyres and more . |
of investment allows me to think | |||
differently ,” says Teo , discussing her |
Enjoy the issue ! |
strategy in this month ’ s cover story . |
Marcus Lawrence |
marcus . lawrence @ bizclikmedia . com . |