Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine April 2016 | Page 65

SUPPLY CHAIN strong leadership , from the top down .
“ Leadership that is engaged and involved — that walks the walk and the talk — is pivotal in ensuring that people are aligned to high performance objectives ,” says Trevaskis . “ It ’ s about being visible and available , and it ’ s about daily communication and following up that people are performing their roles as expected .”
Trevaskis adds that setting and maintaining high standards from a management level is critical to continuous improvement — with only bare minimum goals to strive for , staff may slide into poor habits and paths of least resistance . By setting higher operational standards to strive for , SunRice is able to keep moving its goalposts of success onward and upward .
“ The goals we set as management must be ones that employees have to aspire to achieve ,” he says . “ If you set a goal that is mediocre , you can only ever expect to achieve mediocre standards . It is important that we set a high aspiration , and service and support the operations teams to achieve that .”
TAKING PRIDE IN A SUSTAINABLE CULTURE “ When we evaluate our vendors , we don ’ t do that just on price — we also look at the capabilities of our vendors ,” says Wohlfarth . One critical capability that SunRice seeks out in its potential vendors is a vendor ’ s ability to operate with consideration to the environment . “ Clean and green branding is very important for us ,” he explains . “ We are a premium brand looking for suppliers that have the right capabilities — and if we make sure

“ It ’ s about being visible and available , and it ’ s about daily communication and following up that people are performing their roles as expected .”

– Joe Trevaskis , Head of Manufacturing www . sunrice . com . au 65