WAREHOUSING & LOGISTICS “ We ’ re looking forward to a big year ,” said Betts . “ We ’ ve successfully secured a number of sizeable contracts and are scheduled to move a significant number of units over the next 12 months .”
Most products come directly from Ricoh ’ s local and overseas factories . Betts is responsible for managing the relationships involved with distribution and installation of devices within Australia . His target is to operate with a 30-day inventory at all times , which allows for a buffer when unusually large sales take place .
There ’ s no new innovative technology involved in Ricoh ’ s warehouse logistics . It relies on good communication processes to keep the team across all transactions in the pipeline . “ It ’ s my job to ensure I have enough stock but not too much . It ’ s a balancing act ,” said Betts . “ A lot of it is attention to detail and accurate sales forecasting . We spend a lot of time consulting with each department and having open dialog .
Mike Betts , National Operations Manager
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