Laura Close
“ People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision .”
– John C . Maxwell
This issue is about leaders . In a way , every issue is about leaders because you , our c-level executive readers , are our core audience . This time , we had the opportunity to investigate all different aspects of what it takes to truly be that leader .
Our cover feature this month profiles Jeyakumar Janakaraj , CEO of Adani Mining . The article , written by Mining Global ’ s editor Robert Spence , focuses on Janakaraj ’ s past experiences and how he was able to work his way up the ranks to become CEO of Australia ’ s largest coal development company .
We also had the chance to talk to Ian Flemington , the HR and communications director at Canon Oceania , regarding the company ’ s new talent management program : instead of asking employees to adapt to the company , the company adapted to them .
For founders and CEOs of startups , the topic turns to acquisitions . By building a company on a solid foundation , these startups can attract investors down the road . And rounding out the editorial is one of our most-read articles year to year : highest paid CEOs . There ’ s been quite a shift this year , with new names not necessarily familiar to everyone .
Enjoy the issue !
Laura Close
Editor laura . close @ businessreviewaustralia . com