Business Book 2024 | Page 60

COMPANY NAME : Corrugados Belen , S . A . ( Corbel )
With over 46 years of industry expertise , �orrugados �elen ��or�el� is dedicated to �ul�lling and e�ceeding your pac�aging re�uire�ents� �s a trusted provider serving local and regional clients , we take pride in offering a vast array of innovative packaging solutions , supported by our knowledgeable technical staff and the esteemed Global Packaging Group ( GPG ).
�ecogni�ing our position as �ar�et leaders , we prioritize prompt deliveries , efficient stocking programs , and meeting the diverse needs of various industries . ��et�er it�s �edical devices , consu�er goods , produce , �ood � �everage , electronics , co�puter c�ips , personal care , e�co��erce , or any ot�er sector , �or�el is co��itted to delivering e�ceptional service and tailored solutions .
�o cater to t�e uni�ue needs o� our custo�ers , �or�el provides a �ide selection o� corrugated pac�aging options , �eaturing various paper and �ute si�e co��inations� Furthermore , we excel in producing high-quality graphic packaging , using advanced pre-print or post-print techniques . �ur capa�ilities e�tend �urt�er t�roug� coatings , resins , and para��n applications , ensuring specialized solutions for specific industries .
�it� our e�tensive �ar�et e�perience , �e �ave garnered a reputation as a dependa�le partner , capa�le o� sa�eguarding your products t�roug�out t�eir �ourney� From packaging solutions for perishable goods to delicate electronic devices in the medical field , our pac�aging solutions play a vital role in en�ancing everyday li�e� ��en it co�es to top�notc� carton per�or�ance , you can rely on our e�pertise , e�ceptional product �uality , e��cient production processes , and dedicated sta�� to consistently deliver outstanding results .
Product Categories :
� � , � , and � �lute options � �ou�le �all �o��inations � �ul� �ins and �ontainers ��riple �all and t�o dou�le �all co��inations� � �egular �lotted �ontainers ���� �o�es� � �ie�cuts , �raps , �liss , trays , or slotted �o�es � �isplays � �indo� �o�es � �oisture�resistant pac�aging solutions � �oating products �or �a�ery , �s� , and �eat pac�aging � �re�iu� and �ig� grap�ic pac�aging
�t �orrugados �elen , ���� , �e are co��itted to �eeting your uni�ue pac�aging needs� �ur superior products ensure opti�al per�or�ance and elevate your �rand�s i�age�
Experience the Corbel difference as we transform your packaging vision !
Contact Corrugados Belen via phone at : +( 506 ) 2239-0122 Visit the Corrugados Belen website at : www . corbel . co . cr Email inquiries can be sent to : ventas @ corbel . co . cr