BUSI 620 MENTOR Keep Learning /busi620mentor.com BUSI 620 MENTOR Keep Learning /busi620mentor.com | Page 4

Discussion Question 9: How is the concept of a normal return on investment related to the distinction between business and economic profit? Problem 6: Determine which of the two investment projects of Problem 5 the manager should choose if the discount rate of the firm is 20 percent. Problem 9: A woman managing a photocopying establishment for $25,000 per year decides to open her own duplicating place. Her revenue during the first year of operations is $120,000 and her expenses are as follows: Salaries to hired help 45,000 Supplies 15,000 Rent 10,000 Utilities 1,000 Interest on bank loan 10,000 Calculate (a) Explicit Costs, (b) Implicit Costs, (c) Business Profit, (d) Economic Profit, and (e) Normal Return on Investment. Spreadsheet Problem: Using the data below, where column A represents student numbers, column B the finishing time for a 1 mile race for students, and column C the age of the students.