BUSI 620 MENTOR Keep Learning /busi620mentor.com BUSI 620 MENTOR Keep Learning /busi620mentor.com | Page 27

Use the information about marginal cost (MC) and marginal revenue (MR) that is presented in the table below to determine the profit maximizing level of output. A baseketball company is considerign purchasing a new machine that doubles capacity from producing 100 balls to 200 balls per day. The machine will occupy 1,000 square feet of unused space on the facotry floor. Which costs are irrelevant in this decision to purchase a machine? Regression analysis was used to estimate the following linear trend equation: St = 10.5 + 0.25 t Use this equation to forecast the value of the dependent variable (St) in time period of 10 In a free-enterprise system, profit is socially desirable because it If you are trying to determine the value of a firm, which of the following factors would be relevant? A firm that has total fixed costs of $40,000 sells its output for $250 per unit and has an average variable cost of $150. If the firm's cost and revenue curves are linear, how much output must the firm produce to break even? A firm currently produces 2,500 units of output per week. After an additional worker is hired, output rises to 2,620 units per week. If the weekly wage paid to a worker is $480, what is the firm's short-run marginal cost?