BUSI 620 MENTOR Keep Learning /busi620mentor.com BUSI 620 MENTOR Keep Learning /busi620mentor.com | Page 12

b) Using the coefficients found in the regression estimate, enter a formula based in cells C6 through J6 to forecast the sales when quality control goes from $2 million to $9 million a year. c) Graph both the actual data and the forecast using the graphing tools. Does the forecast vary much from the actual data =========================================== BUSI 620 Week 3 Discussion Board 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.busi620mentor.com #4 Discuss benefits and costs of unemployment benefits to individuals and to the economy. #5 Comment on the following statement: "A company should produce and sell any product as long as there is a market for it." ===================================== BUSI 620 Week 3 Questions For Critical Thinking 3 (SOLUTIONS) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.busi620mentor.com Business 620